Know How
Product Search
Home page
A diversity of information is needed from the time you start planning until the trade fair begins. Everything of importance is listed here.
Special handling
Approval of stand design
Special and large stands require approval. Please inform yourself of the relevant criteria.
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Information on stand construction
Download Center
Here you will find our Technical Regulations, contact persons, addresses and information about general services during the construction perio...
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Construction and dismantling period
Construction and dismantling period
Ensure a stress-free construction and dismantling period and note our dates for the event. Badges for construction and dismantling times are...
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At the last second
Exhibitor information
During the set-up and dismantling phases and during the fair, a lot of information has to be found quickly.
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Before, during and after the event
Traffic management at the venue
Here you will find the necessary information for traffic at our exhibition centre.
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Postal address
Exhibitor address on the exhibition grounds
Would you like to receive mail at your trade fair stand?
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Advance Payment
Advance Payment for Supplementary Services
For some services we charge a prepayment. More information can be found here.
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Your questions solved on the spot
Exhibitor Service Center
The staff at the Exhibitor Service Center is there to provide you with all-round assistance - before and during the trade fair. You can find...
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Please note
Work permit
Exhibitors must comply with all applicable labour and social security regulations.
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Perfect solution
myEuroBLECH Easy Package
Find out more about our attractive full-service fair packages for your stand, and save time for what counts - your customers.
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Access to the exhibition
Visitor vouchers and Exhibitor passes (e-tickets)
Invite your customers for free of charge and also manage your exhibitor passes.
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Digital Promotional Tools
Promotional material
Choose from a variety of free online promotional items.
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Printed ads: catalogue
Your entry and advertisement in the official EuroBLECH catalogue as well as in the EBi exhibitor search on site.
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Choose from a wide range of marketing and advertising options.
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We take on responsibility
#NoPlanetB – Climate change figures among the most crucial challenges of our time. We don't have time to wait for tomorrow – we're already ac...
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